Fallen Rosemary
Handel (T)Handel (M)Handel (B)
Irene Adler (T)Irene Adler (M)Irene Adler (B)
White: Normal signets.Orange: Enchanced Signets (After core).
Select Tonatiuh: Sunshade. Use the active Signet of Elysia active on floor 6 to unlock 2 abilities on a single floor 1. Blessing of Valfreyja
2. Blessing of Nocturne
3. Blessing of Soul Siphon
4. Blessing of God Eater
5. Blessing of Spirit Servants

Prioritize SP regeneration and damage. The core is necessary and the Enhanced too * First, No Betrayal
* Fourth, No Insolence
* Fifth, No Falsehood
* Second, No Deception
Core:You Shall Receive Disciplines Blessing
* You Shall Follow Good

Prioritize damage singles, to complete the Nexus you can run Fuyi or Ayame. The Enhanced is required. * Bountiful Blossom: Botan
* Bountiful Blossom: Koyo
* Bountiful Blossom: Ayame
* Bountiful Blossom: Fuji
Core:Setsuna Blade: Yasha
* Setsuna Blade: Mugenjigoku

All DMG signets are required. Prioritize Duration Extension Enhanced * Goblet of the Giver
* Artifact of the Inhibitor
* Brand of the Undead
Core:Blade of the Deliverer
* Echo of the Deliverer
* Crusade of the Deliverer

Prioritize DMG stamps, if you feel like you need more SP regen select SP regen. The Nexus is not necessary, but if you have the possibility, choose the second * Recitatif of Eden
* Recitatif of Creeks
Core:Echo of Gold

Prioritize combo signets, damage and take more damage. It is only necessary to reach the Nexus * Motto of Iddhi-Vidha
* Motto of Asavakkhaya
* Motto of Dibba-Cakkhu
* Motto of Pubbe-Nivasanussati
Core:Dictum of Bodhi